Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio

Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio has a solid feel, nothing flimsy about it and you will like the way that the handle rotates down to hide in the back. Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio has good sound for the size, no complaints, but it is not great. Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio is not a boom box so you are not going to hear it across the backyard but it fills a room nicely. Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio is great for the bathroom and can be heard over the shower.

You will like the digital controls with the station presets. Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio has reasonable reception even with the antenna stowed away. When the antenna is extended the reception is very good. Note, the antenna is not the telescoping type but is a wire that is stowed near the battery compartment when not in use. In some ways this is less convenient but on the other hand it is easier to hide the extended antenna. For use in the bath or bedroom you personally like this style antenna better than the telescoping type. The built in single white LED flashlight is reasonably bright and will come in handy in an emergency or camping. There is also an alarm siren that emits a piercing sound but ... why? Perhaps to annoy the cat. Sangean H201 AM/FM Digital Shower Radio has a clock, a convenient timer, and an auto off sleep timer but no built in alarm clock.

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