Yamaha NS-SP1800BL 5.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker Package

Yamaha NS-SP1800BL 5.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker are great speakers for a relatively small room. Yamaha NS-SP1800BL 5.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker sound much better than I expected, especially considering the price these are being sold for. It sounds pretty decent with streaming music too, but it really shines when watching movies with a 'bright' soundtrack, that typically accompanies movies with lots of action sequences. If you also hooked up a Playstation 3 to the receiver, the soundtrack on Gran Turismo 5 is like night and day...simply amazing, compared to when it was hooked up directly to the TV, with the sound coming from the TV speakers. It's true that you get what you pay for. There are better-sounding speakers out there, but for the price and capability, you cannot beat these at this price point...especially if your intent is to watch movies; and not as an audiophile, listening to music mainly with a critical ear on the musician's performance.

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